Latin America Energy Summit Speakers 2020
Gerente general, AME
CEO, Latin America Power
Director South America, ENEL Group
General Manager for Chile, Atlas Renewable Energy
Executive Director Latin America, Fluence
Managin Partner, DGEnergy Capital
Gerente General, Systep
Natural Gas Manager, CGC
Gerente General America Latina, Cox Energy
Socia Directora, IESD
CEO, Cinergia
Chief Investment Officer, IFC
CEO, Free Power
Gerente de Comercialización E&P Pampa Energía
CEO, H2 Chile
Partner - Head of Natural Resources, Lembeye Abogados
Research Engineer, National Renewable Energy Lab
Energy Specialist, European Investment Bank
Vicepresidente Comercial, Engie Energía Perú
VP Project Finance, DNB
Director Ejecutivo, GPM-AG
Director, COES Peru
Partner, Inodu
Commercial VP, CGC
Country Manager - Statkraft Peru
Socio Director, Gas Energy Latin America
VP Business Development at Azelio AB
director ejecutivo, Empresas Eléctricas AG
General Manager, Tambo3
Green Senior Broker & Environmental Lawyer - TFS
Especialista de Industria, Plusmining
Chairman of Latin America Energy Summit and Partner at Industry Exchange
4th Latin America Energy Summit 2020 welcomes approximately 30 speakers and panelists to the conference, all of whom have been in invited. However, if you are interested in participating on a panel or giving a presentation, you can send an email to
Thank you!
El 4to Foro Latin America Energy Summit 2019 está en el proceso de invitar a sus oradores para la conferencia. Si está interesado en participar en un panel o dar una presentación, puede mandar un correo electrónico a