Latin America Energy Summit Speakers 2022
Ministro de Energía, Chile
CEO, Engie Chile
CFO, Enel Américas
Presidente, Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional
General Manager, EBP Chile
Vicepresidente Comercial, Engie Energía Perú
Country Manager Chile, Cox Energy
Regional Natural Gas Commercial Manager, YPF
Executive Industry Consultant Sr., Hexagon Sudamérica
Business Development Manager, CAP
Sr VP Business Development H2BU Engie & Directora H2 Chile
Commercial Director of Gas & Power, CGC
Gerente General, Systep
Manager. AFRY
VP Business Development, Transelec
CEO, Atlas Renewable Energy Chile
Hydrogen Lead, Ecopetrol
Director de Regulación, Valgesta Energía
VP Project Finance, DNB
CEO, Capta Hydro
Head of Project Finance Energy, Banco Security
Directora Ejecutiva, ACERA
CEO, Phineal
Country Head, EDC Chile
Executive Director, Transmisores de Chile
General Manager, AustriaEnergy
Latin America Energy Lead, IFC - International Finance Corporation
President, TCI GECOMP
CEO, H2 Chile
Head Latam, Elecnor
Co-founder y Managing Partner, Mountain Chile
CEO & Co-Founder, Colabtive
Vice President, Americas, Energy Group en Canadian Solar Inc.
Abogada, Magister en Derecho LLM, ZeBra Energia
Director de Nuevos Negocios, Cinergia
Sr Investment Officer, IFC - International Finance Corporation
President - Central and South America, Neogreen Hydrogen Corp
Clean Energy advisor Chile de Roc Global
Director of Energy, Americas Market Intelligence AMI
Grace Keller, Director, GK Energy Media
CEO, C3 Energia
Power Business Manager, GENNEIA
Green Senior Broker & Environmental Lawyer - TFS
CEO, GPS Group -Ecuador
Partner - Head of Natural Resources, Lembeye Abogados
Presidente, Acesol
Director, COES Peru
Partner, Inodu
Socio Director, Gas Energy Latin America
5th Latin America Energy Summit 2022 welcomes approximately 40 speakers and panelists to the conference, all of whom have been invited. However, if you are interested in participating on a panel or giving a presentation, you can send an email to
Thank you!
El 5to Foro Latin America Energy Summit 2022 está en el proceso de invitar a sus oradores para la conferencia. Si está interesado en participar en un panel o dar una presentación, puede mandar un correo electrónico a